Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Hope for the Hopeless - The Real Christmas Gift

Well, here it is, Christmas Eve, probably one of my busiest days of the year. For once, I have finished my shopping and wrapping, but I still have groceries to buy and pies to bake. Oh, and my house is not as clean as I might like given the fact that my mother is coming over first thing in the morning! You might wonder, then, why I am taking the time to write, and even more so question why you should take the time to read. Just please do, as I am profoundly moved to share something very special with you.

I thought I’d check my email quickly this morning, as I hadn’t in a few days. A dear friend forwarded me a link to a story about her son’s school, a private Christian school in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. Like you, I questioned whether to take the time to read, but I was so glad I did that I am now compelled to pass it on.

Last week, I shared some thoughts about God’s heavenly gifts to mankind through people. The link below is one of THE MOST PROFOUND examples of this concept I’ve ever heard of in my entire life. It is truly unbelievable! Some cry easily, and for others of us, it takes a little more to get our eyes wet. I need to remember to get a new box of Kleenex when I go to the grocery store.

Please allow yourself just another three minutes to click and read. I promise you will be glad you did, and you too will pass it on! In the midst of all the hustle and bustle today, you will be incredibly blessed by this real life story of Christmas hope, love and joy! Merry Christmas!

Click here:

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