Tuesday, May 19, 2009

A Mixed Bag

Hello Friends of Prayerfully Penned!

My last post about the “Impending Doom of Christians” may have sounded like a loss, but it won me a spot as a regular blogger for EverydayChristian.com. I do hope you’ll stop by this website on occasion. I’ll be posting there at least twice a week. For those of you on the Feed Blitz list, I promise you will not be emailed all those posts! No worries! It is a separate site, unrelated to my blog list. I encourage you to check it out!

The title of my last post was purposely a little “over the top” to grab your attention. Certainly we Christians are not doomed. The post was in response to another Christian article, one I felt compelled to share with you. I find that I am prompted to write primarily on two occasions: 1) after reading the Word and receiving new revelation; and 2) after learning something new from another source that impacts my faith. Since I’m doing both daily, I find I am writing more and more, and having a grand time!

As a result, this blog has become a bit of a mix of devotional thoughts, book reviews and current cultural issues, and I do hope you will stay tuned! This particular blog is morphing into a more diverse collection of writings, and I pray it will continue to inspire and challenge you in your walk of faith. I want to thank those of you who have been with me for a while, and welcome those of you who are just tuning in. I am honored to think that God might use my limited writing skills to speak some word of truth or encouragement to you.

A Word for Today

Speaking of learning, boy did I learn something new today! I’ve written a full account which should be posted to EverydayChristian.com soon, but here’s a taste to whet your appetite.

At PowerLunch at Prestonwood Church today (my home church), I heard Author and Speaker, Brigitte Gabriel speak to an overflowing and captivated audience of hundreds, who burst to their feet in a standing ovation at the end. Raised in Lebanon, she and her family were Christians and came under attack by radical Islamic terrorists. Her childhood story was fascinating enough, but the majority of her entrancing speech was about the presence of radical Islam in America.

Gabriel founded the American Congress for Truth, or ACT, in order to raise the awareness level of our nation to the threat of radical Islam, and to fight for our national security. She is the New York Times Bestselling Author of Because They Hate: A Survivor of Islamic Terror Warns America; and her latest release is They Must Be Stopped: Why We Must Defeat Radical Islam and How We Can Do It.

Paul E. Vallely, Major General U.S. Army (Ret.), said of her latest book: “This book gives dire warning of what is to come if the Western world does not take responsible action to protect its people. The United States is the primary target as Islamic radicalism attempts to spread its worldwide dominance.”

Gabriel encouraged today’s audience to look at the history of other nations for some lessons. She said, “Europe has become Eurabia.”

Many of you know that after much prayer I have adopted the label “Brighter Walk” for my ministry identity. It encapsulates many things, but one of which is the idea of intelligence. To walk as a Christian should include the use of our God-given minds for intelligent pursuits which will glorify Him. I pray you will join me on this journey. We need smart Christian leaders to guide our country through this historically significant time. I hope you will journey on to EverydayChristian.com and read more about radical Islam through the very intelligent eyes of Brigitte Gabriel.

1 comment:

StarTreck said...

Well said. I have been reading Joel Rosenberg's non-fiction book Inside the Revolution, the Battle between Jefferson, Jesus and Jihad...scary stuff....so this article speaks along this same line.