Sunday, March 8, 2009

Linking Souls to Daisy Chain

By now, most of my friends know that these days I am prayerfully penning more than these occasional entries, with the hope that God might use me to write something of significance to be read by a few more than frequent my little ole’ blog. If not, that’s ok. I love you guys, dearly! But writing books has been a dream of mine for a very long time.

I can still envision my first attempt at writing a book – notebook paper folded in half, hamburger style, turned sideways to form a book, and adorned with those blue notebook paper lines vertically positioned on its pages. It began in Chapter 1 and ended by Chapter 3. Short and sweet, complete with dialogue, third-grade printing and stick figures. It was something about a girl and her mother – my happy little world about that time.

Well, enough of Memory Lane. Today’s entry is not about my book writing, but a new friend's. In my recent journeys, I have had the pleasure of making acquaintance with one, Ms. Mary DeMuth, author of several Christian fiction and non-fiction books. I gladly agreed to participate in a “blog tour” in celebration of her newest release. My review of this captivating novel is below.

Meet Mary and Daisy Chain.


Defiance, Texas is a real place as far as I'm concerned. I can see the faces of her people, smell the stench of the rendering plant, and hear the voices rising from the church pews. Mary has a way of descriptive writing that breathes life into her characters, making them jump off the page and into your heart.

Mary bravely raises questions of faith in the minds of the characters, including the presence, power and sovereignty of God. She tells an all-too-believable story of secrets and sins in the lives of Christians. Daisy Chain never had a dull moment tempting me to put it down. Much to the contrary, I read this book in two sittings, putting off tasks in order to finish all 300 plus pages.

Like the bestseller, The Shack, the storyline is dark and the journey difficult. But in Mary's work we find biblical truth weaved seamlessly throughout its pages. The believer and nonbeliever alike will enjoy the read, and walk away with both satisfaction and hope.


Click here to buy Daisy Chain, by Mary DeMuth.
(No, I’m not getting a commission! Ha!)


Mary DeMuth said...

Thanks so much for reading and highlighting Daisy Chain on your blog. I so appreciate it!

Anonymous said...

I am reading this book right now! Alan knows Mary from the Christian Writer's Guild, you should check it out sometime!

His Study and His Scribe * Karyn Brownlee said...

Small world! Mary is a doll, so authentic and real. Don't you love the book? I could hardly put it down!