When I read or hear the word
portion, I naturally think of food. I’m embarrassed to admit, but all too often at mealtime I’m longing for fairly large portions of whatever is on the menu, while simultaneously battling this desire in my mind, knowing that God would probably prefer my portions to be smaller than larger for the sake of His temple!
So when I hear the verse, “The Lord is my portion,” (Lam 3:24) my mind naturally thinks in terms of sustenance and amounts of it. This is not incorrect in theme, but somehow I knew there was more to this truth that my mind had yet to wrap around. Today, God led me to a more complete understanding.
Portion is an English word representing a Hebrew expression with deeper meaning than simply an amount. The Hebrew word for portion is used most often in the Old Testament in conjunction with the acquisition of land or property, and means more than simply a share or a part. It encompasses the ideas of
possession, inheritance and award. Try substituting one of these three words for
portion the next time you think about what God is to you.
The Lord is my
possession. He gave Himself
for me long ago. But He gave Himself
to me in a love relationship when I surrendered my life to Him. As with my earthly husband, I do not own him, but I know that “I am his, and he is mine.” (Sol 2:16) We belong to each other. Like all blood relationships, the Lord is mine in an everlasting kinship.
He is my forever Father. His love overwhelms me.
The Lord is my
inheritance. He is my heritage and my legacy. I receive life with Him eternally because He adopted me into His royal family. My birthright is oneness with Him. “But he who unites himself with the Lord is one with him in spirit.” (1Co 6:17) He no longer calls me servant, but friend. (John 15:15) His companionship is eternally mine.
He is my forever Friend. His fellowship completes me.
The Lord is my
award. Not that I am rewarded for anything I have done, but by His grace I am awarded such a prize as the Lord Himself! By His Spirit, He lives in me. “For we are the temple of the living God.” (2Co 6:16) "It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me.” (Gal 2:20) By His grace, I am reborn with His powerful presence given to live in me.
He is my forever Force. His power enlivens me.
God is much more to me than some measurable amount of momentary sustenance. He is an immeasurable spring of continual satisfaction. The Lord is not merely my daily ration; He is my constant source of abundance. He is a bottomless banquet of everything I need, a never-ending portion for this hungry soul.
Food for Thought: As a believer and receiver of Christ, I am never unloved, alone or powerless. I am always loved, accompanied and powerful.
“O taste and see that the Lord is good!” (Ps. 34:8)