Wednesday, December 17, 2008

What's Inside the Pretty Package?

Wrapping gifts is one of my favorite things to do at Christmastime. I love to buy things for others that I think they will like, and then cover them with festive paper and LOTS of tape! Thankfully, I don’t think I’ve ever wrapped an empty box and forgotten to put in the gift. How embarrassing that would be!

God’s gifts come in all shapes and sizes, wrappings and trappings. Many of God’s greatest gifts to me were wrapped in human flesh – Jesus being the greatest gift of all. God has used many people in my life as the packaging for His sweet gifts from above. I’m sure you have your own list of those whom the Giver has used to bring you a blessing from heaven.

I’ve had a lot of breakfast and lunch dates this Christmas season with friends, and, oh, what gifts I've received through each of them! God has blessed me through their lives with love and laughter, wit and wisdom, patience and provision, encouragement and equipping, and so much more. I’m so thankful for my Christian friends who open themselves to God continually, seeking to know Him intimately, experience Him personally, and reflect Him vividly.

It’s easier to recognize God’s use of another person in bringing a heavenly gift to us than it is to see ourselves as divine packaging for His blessings to others. But that’s how He wants us to view ourselves, as beautifully and wonderfully made for unique opportunities to bear His gifts to the lost world. But we must remember they are His gifts to share. We are to keep an attitude of availability to God, so that we welcome His direction and preparation of our lives for the blessing and benefit of others.

We ready ourselves each day with physical cleanliness, beauty enhancements and attractive clothes. But how well do we allow God to ready us with His gifts for others? How vital it is to be in His Word! How crucial to submit daily to His will! How imperative to pray continually, without ceasing! If we fail to be readily available for God’s activity in us, we may merely be beautifully-wrapped people with no divinely-prepared gift to share.

God wants to wrap up many of His gifts to others with our human skin – gifts such as the message of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the expression of His love, the act of His comfort, the word of His truth, and the reflection of His joy. Let’s not be guilty of forgetting to include the gift inside our beautiful wrappings. This season, let’s bow to the Giver not just in thanksgiving, but in surrender, to be His divine wrapping paper for His Christmas gifts to the world.

May you and yours experience the true joy of Jesus this Christmas season, and all the year through!

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