Tuesday, January 1, 2008

New Year's Vows

Writers typically avoid using absolutes such as “all” or “none.” But I would bank on the fact that ALL of us have made at least one New Year’s resolution during our lifetime. And most of us, if not all, have broken at least one as well. It has become a source of humor as we poke fun at ourselves and our lack of commitment and follow-through.

Today, I have a new outlook on New Year’s resolutions. Psalm 76:11 says “Make vows to the Lord your God and fulfill them; Let all who are around Him bring gifts to Him who is to be feared.” This New Year, I am taking my resolutions to a new level, literally. I’m taking mine to the heavenly throne. My resolutions are not being made to myself, but to God. And rather than resolving to do things for myself, I am vowing to do things for God. I have prayed them and written them down. It is often said that writing down one’s intentions emphasizes one’s commitment. But typically we think of making these goal statements to one’s self, not to one’s God. This year, I invite you to join me in making New Year’s vows rather than New Year’s resolutions, and make them to and for our God. Write them down, pray them to Him, and most importantly, “fulfill them.”

May we embrace this New Year with passion to fulfill that which He lays upon our hearts today!


lori said...

Thanks for the challenge! I rarely make the typical resolutions like exercise more or lose weight, but began a practice some years ago of setting some spiritual goals for myself each January and making a commitment to the Lord to do my part to reach them. I think to myself "what goal does the Lord have for me this year?" and the answer is always "be more like Him" So I set out to do a few things that I know will require me to trust Him more....things like forgiving a specific person I had been holding a grudge against, giving generously and joyfully to two additional charities, sharing the gospel with at least one person each month. Hopefully at the end of every year I look more like Christ than I did before. What higher goal is there?

Reine Noire said...

Wow! I took my resolutions to the throne as well! I even resolved to call them "Commitments." The only "resolution" I made was that I would not take any regrets, past hurts, sorrows, or pains; scars, doubts or fears with me into the New Year. So far so good all thanks be to God for guarding my heart and keeping my mind!

Love your blog! Check me out at: http://saved-and-the-city.blogspot.com

Andrew said...

I was unable to find contact information on your blog, so I am passing this on to you here:


We would like you to post about the pledge for Huckabee.

Contact us if you have any questions.