Monday, July 2, 2007

Learning "To Be"

It may sound strange to some that I would spend my time learning something so simple as "to be." But I contend that in my generation, we do not focus enough energy on learning what our Father requires of our "being." We are focused so much on "doing," that we do not take time to think about our "being." Our being is wrapped up in our doing, rather than our doing stemming from our being with God and being who He desires us to be.

As a former principal, I was known to my school community as "Mrs. B." The bumblebee was a symbol of mine, with many scattered throughout my office and finding their way into many a correspondence. The bee represents doing the impossible, for science would argue that its wings are too small to support its overstuffed body. However, it flies anyway! It was a sign of inspiration and motivation for me, a starting point for conversation with struggling students, and a reminder to me that I can do the impossible tasks of the job if I will continue to "bee-lieve" that with God, all things are possible.

I am realizing now that the bee also symbolized busyness. How often do you see a bee rest? It is always buzzing about, gathering pollen or making honey. It is always at work. While there is blessing in productivity, there is also the call for us simply "to be." God calls us first "to be" in a relationship with Him through His son Jesus. Although this is a one-time event when we choose to enter into this relationship, it is also an ongoing priority to grow in intimacy with Him. This requires our taking time to be with Him. He calls us to be obedient. This obedience includes his command to "be still" and know that He is God. We must slow down our lives in order to be still with our Lord. It is in the still, quiet, resting place of His open, loving arms that we connect with Him and hear from Him.

His Word teaches us much about what we are "to be." Some of our being has to do with our interacting and serving others. We tend to be better at these outward acts of being, such as being kind and generous, than the inner condition of being in our heart. We are to be humble before Him, be worshipful of Him, be surrendered to Him, be dependent on Him, and be present with Him. He wants our hearts to be peaceful, teachable and prayerful. Our world rewards the doers, the movers and the shakers, the performers and the achievers. But our God has greater rewards for those whose "doing" is a result of their "being" who He calls them to be. Take time today just "to be."


Unknown said...

You know, one of the major iconic symbols of Mormonism is the beehive. I just thought that was funny. Speaking of "being," your post made me think of how God's covenant name YHWH is derived from the verb "to be" in Hebrew. I'm so happy for you and the writing opportunities God has openned up for you. Keep it up, and hopefully one day I'll be talking about the "infamous" Karyn Brownlee.

Darrell H.

His Study and His Scribe * Karyn Brownlee said...

Thanks, Darrell, for being my first "commentator!" I did not know of the connection between the beehive and Mormonism. Those I know in this religion do seem to stick closely together and stay busy with good works. So, I can see a definite correlation. What I love most about your comment is your reflection of YHWH. God is the "I Am." If we are to strive to be Christlike, then that is further confirmation that we should spend less time striving in works and more time striving to be in perfect communion with God. "Cease striving and know that I am God." -Ps. 46:10 (NASB)