Family time is precious time. Ironically, in this struggling economic season family time may actually be a surprisingly positive byproduct of a seemingly negative situation. Less money on hand may equate to less time away from home and more time in the nest.
You may find yourself wondering, what on earth do we do with this "extra together time”? Well, it may be time to search out those board games. You know – Monopoly, Clue, Life, etc. If you’re like me, you probably have enough stored in a hall closet to open your own game store.
Perhaps you’ve decided to let go of those premium movie channels on cable. But I bet you’ve hung onto those old family movies and videos from years gone by. Or maybe you’re wondering what you’ll do on weekends now that you’ve rid yourself of those monthly boat payments. If so, maybe an occasional camping trip will provide a new bonding experience for your loved ones.
Speaking of camping, how about a FREE family getaway to an overnight camping haven! Sound too good to be true? Well someone has to win it!
If you blog, simply join in the conversation about families on your own website. Post a few tips for your friends, and pass along this same invitation to join in the conversation about family time. Laity Lodge Family Camp wants many people passing the word about the importance of family time and the gift of Family Camp. One of us “e-conversationalists” will win a free weekend at the Laity Lodge Family Camp in the beautiful Texas Hill Country, just for spreading the message of the importance of the family! For those of you who cannot enter, you may still want to visit their website to see the many weekend opportunities to get away with your family in the coming year.
While these times may be trying economically, this Pollyanna believes that every cloud has a silver lining. Let’s treasure this opportunity to refocus on one of God’s greatest blessings – the family.